Breeding Birds of Solano County - Reviews & Endorsements BACK to main sales pageSome early reviews on the Breeding Birds of Solano County: This newest edition to the family of California breeding bird atlas books imparts a wealth of knowledge gleaned from the atlas field work and the scientific literature. The information about species' habitats and distribution with regional and historical contexts is relevant (no fluff) and readily accessible in this beautifully formatted book. This is a book for the general public as well as for the advanced and beginning birders. --John Sterling, California Ornithologist and founder of Sterling Wildlife Biology.
...If there is another Breeding Bird atlas anywhere in this country that can compete with this one I would like to see it. It is a feast for the eyes, illustrated with a large number of bird and habitat photos contributed by many local photographers selected by a highly skilled editorial team and arranged among the text in such a way as to bring to life the beautifully written species accounts and the descriptions of the varied habitats of this diverse county... It is also a highly informative book, exhaustively researched (see the extensive bibliography), clearly written, ... an important baseline document for future generations about the state of the avian world in our area at the beginning of the 21st century. --Manfred Kusch
Napa-Solano Audubon's platinum standard for the Breeding Bird Atlas ... --Tom Rusert, Sonoma Birding
That’s inspiring! Great work! --Gordon Beebe, President, Madrone Audubon Society
Breeding Birds of Solano County is a breeding bird atlas like no other breeding bird atlas you’ve ever seen. With a glossy, photo-filled hardcover format and a weight of over five pounds, it is as beautiful as any coffee-table art book produced by a museum. --Ilana DeBare, Communications Director, Golden Gate Audubon Society
...that book is beautiful! Nicely done! Can’t wait to get my hands on it. --Marc Holmes, Program Director, The Bay Institute
Wonder-filled achievement. Kudos to all who contributed to the effort. --Hilary Zunin, Teacher, Author - The Art of Condolence
The book is well researched and written and the photographs are wonderful. --Mary Tichenor, Artist
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