
eBird is a web site created by the Cornell University Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society where you can login and maintain your birding records in an international shared database of bird observations. This makes your records part of a permanent, enormous pool of data that can be accessed by a global community of educators, ornithologists, land planners, etc. eBird offers benefits to you as well: your data is organized consistently, and you can see your records in new ways, with interactive maps, graphs, etc. Best of all, you can view the birds that have been seen by others in a particular area you plan to visit. Obviously the eBird data becomes more valuable the more people who use it. That is why we would like to enlist a lot more people to start adding their records to eBird for Napa and Solano Counties. We encourage you to visit the eBird site and start using it.

The NSAS website currently has two standard reports which show recent observations from the eBird database for Napa and Solano counties. As the eBird data for our area grows, we hope that we will be able to link to even more eBird data and display "live" maps, graphs or other information about local bird sightings here on our site.

Common Yellowthroat © 2013 Dave McMullen Oak Titmouse © 2015 Dave McMullen Song Sparrow © 2013 Dave McMullen Ash-throated Flycatcher © 2013 Dave McMullen Yellow-breasted Chat © 2012 Dave McMullen

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