Angwin Christmas Bird CountIn 2009, Napa-Solano Audubon took official ownership of the Angwin Christmas Count in Napa county, previously organized by Dr. Floyd Hayes, a biology professor at Pacific Union College. It was a successful transition! For summary reports on the count results for recent years, see "Annual Reports" below. Quick Facts
Annual ReportsMurray Berner, the count compiler, has prepared the summary reports below. To explore more historical records, click here to open the National Audubon web page for Historical CBC results. Use code "CAAG" to fetch records for the Angwin count. Circle MapThe Angwin count circle includes the towns of St. Helena and Angwin. Prominent geographic features include the Napa River, Pope Valley, Lake Hennessey, Bell Canyon, Wild Lake Ranch, Los Posadas State Forest, Pope Canyon and the shore of Lake Berryessa. Elevation ranges from about 300 feet at St. Helena to 2600 ft. above Wild Lake. The several chaparral and forest types typical of the Coast Range are represented in the circle. Vineyards are everywhere. Click the "View Larger Map" link below to open the map in a separate window, zoom in, switch to satellite view, etc. Angwin CBC Circle Map |
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