Get Involved

NSAS is an all-volunteer organization. To make our programs successful, we need membership involvement in all of our activities. Donating even a few hours of time can help a lot. There are all sorts of fun ways to get involved – from helping out with a classroom visit, bird walk or special event, to monitoring your own area for breeding birds, to helping find new and better ways for our Audubon chapter to make a difference.

NSAS volunteers demonstrating assembly
of a bird box © 2010 Stephanie Turnipseed

Why Volunteer?

There are lots of good reasons, including:

  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Give back to your community
  • Try something new
  • Share your skills
  • GROW

Current Volunteer Needs

Opportunities abound. We will keep the list below up-to-date with our current volunteer needs. Contact Mark Stephenson ( or any Board member about these and other opportunities.

  • Outreach & tabling at various events: Volunteers are needed to help with designing exhibits and flyers, helping with PR, outreach at our welcome tables, and leading beginning bird walks for families. Only a couple of hours per volunteer and always great fun!
  • Communication Chair: We need help in getting the word out for our events and activities, contacting newspapers and radio stations with advertising events and post event write-ups to keep the community in formed.
  • Beginning Bird Walks: We are in great need of 1 or 2 volunteers to team up with Tammy Saunders, our Education Coordinator, and help lead beginning bird walks twice a month. If we get two it would only be a commitment of one Saturday or Sunday morning per month and you would have a backup.
  • Citizen Science: We are always searching for volunteer birders to support our Citizen Science Projects. These include Bird Seasons Surveys at American Canyon Wetlands and Benicia Community Park, to volunteering for our Christmas Bird Counts, to Monitoring Bluebird Boxes from April - July. If you are interested in participating in any of these active birding Citizen Science projects contact Tom Slyker at .
  • Hospitality Chair: We need folks to help with refreshments for our monthly meetings, held on the 2nd Thursday of each month from September - May (except December).
  • Consider a Board Position: We have many committee chair positions that need to be filled. Currently, we are looking for a Conservation Chair and a Communications Chair. Officer elections are held in May for President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, but you can participate now! Board Meetings are usually held five times a year on the last Monday of the month in August, October, January, March and May and members are welcome to attend and participate. Please contact a Board Member for more information.
Dark-eyed Junco (at sunrise) © 2013 Dave McMullen Yellow-rumped Warbler © 2014 Dave McMullen Ash-throated Flycatcher © 2014 Dave McMullen Warbling Vireo © 2014 Dave McMullen Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher © 2012 Dave McMullen

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