Rare Bird Alert Archive

Winter Wren Overwintering at Olema Campground by Mark Stephenson 2021

This year we have started a new form of communication we call Rare Bird Alerts. Each Alert contains 1 or 2 rare or uncommon bird sightings in our area. We hope you will enjoy reading these alerts and deepening your knowledge of birds, and possibly observing one of these gems. If you have a special sighting or other birding information of interest, please feel free to send this information to Mark Stephenson at NapaBirder@gmail.com to be included in the next edition of Rare Bird Alerts.

Rare Bird Alert #12
EasternKingbird 9-8-22
Rare Bird Alert #13
Rare Bird Alert #14
Rare Bird Alert #15
Rare Bird Alert #10
Fall Warbler Migration
Rare Bird Alert #11
Tropical Kingbird
Rare Bird Alert #7
Costa's Hummingbird
Rare Bird Alert #8
Pacific Golden Plover
Rare Bird Alert #9
Lark Bunting
Rare Bird Alert #4
Williamson's & Yellow Bellied Sapsuckers
Rare Bird Alert #5
Mountain Bluebird
Rare Bird Alert #6
Yellow-billed Loon
Rare Bird Alert #1
Least Flycatcher
Rare Bird Alert #2
Clay-colored Sparrow
Rare Bird Alert #3
Winter Wren
Orange-crowned Warbler © 2013 Dave McMullen Brown Creeper © 2013 Dave McMullen Hammond's Flycatcher © 2014 Dave McMullen Chipping Sparrow © 2013 Dave McMullen Fox Sparrow © 2014 Dave McMullen

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