Donate to the Napa-Solano Audubon Society

We need you! Our organization depends on the support of both its members and the community at large. Please help us continue our school educational programs for our youth led by our Education Coordinator, Tammy Saunders, as well as the many activities we have for adults. Your donations also support our Citizen Science projects from our Angwin and Benicia Christmas Bird Counts, to our Bird Seasons Teams that collect data for the Phenology Network, to our volunteers who monitor Endangered Snowy Plover and Least Tern Colonies, and who support National Audubon's Climate Research Project. Our volunteers also care for and monitor over 100 Bluebird Nest Boxes that have consistently raised over 200 fledglings every year. This year we will begin establishing American Kestrel Nesting Boxes as well. Your donations also help us continue our conservation activities in our communities and beyond.

If you wish to make a monetary donation, we are encouraging members to donate electronically by clicking on the "Donation Link" below. Your electronic renewal will reduce volunteer workload and paperwork. You now have the option to make a one-time, monthly or yearly donation. Your Yearly, tax deductible donations will renew on the same date each year until you choose to cancel, which you may do at any time. You may contribute using a Debit, Credit Card or Paypal. If you prefer, you may send a check, along with your email address, to Napa Solano Audubon Society, P. O. Box 10006, Napa, CA 94581. If you are not a current member, or your membership has expired, your donation of $25 or more includes a yearly membership, which will expire on the date of your payment.

Donate to NSAS: Click Here

Your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

We want to say “Thank you” ahead of time for your donation. It allows us to do the work we do, and we appreciate it very much!

Joining Napa-Solano Audubon, and participating as a volunteer, is the best way to learn more about the birds and other wildlife in our North Bay communities.

Click here to learn more about Membership and its Benefits.

Please also consider: Volunteering with Napa-Solano Audubon.

Barn Swallows © 2013 Dave McMullen Marsh Wren © 2013 Dave McMullen Acorn Woodpecker © 2014 Dave McMullen Orange-crowned Warbler © 2013 Dave McMullen Yellow-rumped Warbler © 2014 Dave McMullen

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