Field Trips

Napa-Solano Audubon Society has a Field Trip or Bird Walk scheduled from September - June, every Saturday or Sunday. These walks are led by one of our chapter's more experienced birders. To learn about these walks sign up for our Field Trip email list as the locations for these walks are announced during each week and are subject to occasional last minute changes due to discovering alternate locations with better birding. We encourage all participants, who are eligible, to be vaccinated and sign a Release of Liability Form.

Weekly Bird Walks with Andrew Ford continue most Saturdays beginning in early September. Our first Weekly Walk is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, September 14th. Stay tuned for weekly eBlasts for more details. All walks begin at 8:00 a.m. and go til about Noon to local birding hot spots in Napa or Solano County. Information about the weekly bird walks can be found on our website and in our Field Trip eBlasts.

Monthly Field Trips with one of our local experts go further afield and typically last all day from 8:00 a.m. til mid-afternoon. Our September field trip is Monday - September 16th to Rodeo Lagoon with Leader William Legge ''' We travel once a month from September through June, on a Saturday or Sunday to multiple birding locations. These field trips usually last six or more hours. Newcomers and bird watchers of all levels are most welcome with members receiving preference if the trip fills up! Attending a field trip is a great way to find new birding locales, learn more about birds and get to know more about us. Come and join the fun!

Note: Field trip bird sightings are often posted in our Birding Notes or Rare Bird Alerts and sometimes on our Facebook page. So if you miss a trip, take a look at what birds were seen. You may want to check the area on your own at a later date.

Join our Field Trip email list!

We have an email list dedicated to sending information and last minute updates about weekly field trips. Click here to learn more and ask to be added to our list.

What to Bring: In general, for Saturday field trips, pack a lunch or bring snacks and plenty of water. Bring a daypack to carry your lunch and water as our walks usually travel 1 - 2 miles. It’s always a good idea to wear a hat, bring sunscreen, and insect repellent. Remember to dress in layers as our weather constantly changes. Don’t forget your binoculars! (We have binoculars available to borrow if we know of your needs in advance.)

Cheryl Harris, David Takeuchi, Elmer Harris, Murray Berner, Laurie Hoppe, January 2010. © Dave McMullen

Dialing in © 2009 Frank Toller NSAS Viewing Station at SF Bay Flyway Festival © 2008 Dave McMullen Murray Berner © 2009 Frank Toller Lunch break on Friday Bird Walk © 2010 Dave McMullen

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