This page shows notable and most recent bird observations from the eBird database for the preceding 2 weeks. Each observation is shown on a line displaying:
Observations at eBird hotspots will have a red asterisk (*) after the location name. Observations which have been confirmed by an eBird reviewer will have a green checkmark ( Clicking on any bird name in the report will open a new "Bird Observations" page on the eBird site, showing a map with markers indicating recent observations for that species in the county. Note that the map shows observations for the current month plus one previous month (not just two weeks). The map and data may be retrieved slowly depending on connection speed, etc. Clicking on the location name in an observation will open a Google map showing just that location. Solano County: Notable and Recent Observations from eBird*—hotspot
modified 2015-05-06 11:15 - Site credits - Powered by PmWiki